1. FACT #1:
    Wearing headphones for an hour increases bacteria in your ear by 700x...!!!

  2. FACT#2
    Cholera originated in the Ganges delta in India, and has spread around the world in 7 pandemics since 1817, killing tens of millions of people.Every cholera pandemic has started in Asia.

  3. FACT#3
    There are 10 times more bacteria in the average human's digestive system than there are cells in the entire body.This is approximately 1kg of bacteria !!

  4. 1 kg of bacteria! Wow. Isn't that a tad too much?! :D

  5. FACT#4

    The CDC has discovered a new virus :
    Named the Bourbon virus after the county where the patient lived, the virus is likely spread by tick or insect bites, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says.

    A 50-year-old man suffered multiple tick bites in the spring of 2014 while working outside on his property, the CDC said in an article published in the agency's "Infectious Diseases" journal.

    The man fell ill over the next two days, went to a doctor on the third day, was hospitalized and died of a heart attack 11 days after becoming sick, the CDC said.

    While the man was hospitalized, A blood sample was sent to the CDC, which determined a new virus had been discovered, the press release said.

    The man's symptoms included fever, tiredness, rash, headache, other body aches, nausea and vomiting, the website said. The man had low blood counts for cells that fight infection and help prevent bleeding, the website said.

    The Bourbon virus is part of a group of viruses linked to tick or insect bites in Europe, Asia and Africa, the CDC said.

    This is the first time a virus in this group, known as thogotoviruses, has been known to cause illness in the United States, the CDC said.

  6. FUN FACT#5 - Sneek peek into history ...

    The Second World War became a major impediment in scientific discoveries. After the end of the second world war some, very crucial discoveries were reported, which paved the path for modern biotechnology and to its current status. In 1953, JD Watson and FHC Crick for the first time cleared the mysteries around the DNA as a genetic material, by giving a structural model of DNA, popularly known as, ‘Double Helix Model of DNA’. This model was able to explain various phenomena related to DNA replication, and its role in inheritance. Later, Jacob and Monad had given the concept of Operon in 1961, while Kohler and Milestein in 1975, came up with the concept of cytoplasmic hybridization and produced the first ever monoclonal antibodies, which has revolutionized the diagnostics.

  7. FUN FACT#6
    The strongest creatures on Earth are gonorrhea bacteria. They can pull 100,000 times their own body weight

  8. FUN FACT#7

    A newly-discovered species of rust-eating bacteria will have consumed the wreck of the Titanic within 20 years.

  9. FUN FACT#8
    Humans shed about 600,000 particles of skin every hour!
