Tuesday 21 July 2015

Rhyme Time !!

A Whole New World

A whole new world
A new fantastic point of view
This isn’t Aladdin and Jasmine on a magic carpet
Rather, it’s about those tiny microbes found on me and you

They’re everywhere, these super sleuths
Quietly going about their way
Like humans, some are good guys and others are bad
And it’s up to us to keep the bad guys at bay

We have bacteria, viruses and protists
Fungi, slime molds and algae
Most are harmless, some are beneficial
While others can’t wait to give us a bad day.

There are many different types of bacteria in this mini world
The most famous one being Mr. E. coli
Our gut is his territory, so trespassers beware!
But you don’t worry about him, he happens to be a good guy

A famous protist would be amoeba
This one’s a good dancer, the way he wriggles
He’s got the moves and the rhythm, oh yeah!
Way to go, amoeba! I like the way you wiggle!

Everyone knows our fungal friends
And those subtle spores that go with the breeze
Some fungi are dangerous, while others are slimy
But yeasts are cool—they help make wine and cheese

What can we say about viruses?
They’re mysterious entities, like the Illuminati
We don’t know much about them
But they’re everywhere in our society

Microbes can live absolutely anywhere
But they do have a motto: it’s better where it’s wetter
They can live solitary lives, but it gets boring
So they love to form gangs; the more, the better

Learn this lesson, never ignore small dudes
You now know all about the microbes’ domain
These tiny things are tough and rough
And we humans think we’re the ones at the top of the food chain
Sharmin Karanjia

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