Tuesday 1 September 2015

Genaces- Creative Writing

Left my college with a PhD in hand,
Here I come, before the world I stand.
In my lab I was working with virus critters,
There came a knock at the door and a shout,"Letters!".
The letter stated a very high urgency,
Oh Lord! This was definitely an emergency!

People were dying,
This unknown virus thriving.
My pals were all dead,
Left the responsibility on my head.
What would I do, 
To get a break-through?

Hundreds of tests and not a wink of sleep,
This fight was certainly a mountain steep.
An antibody here, A vaccine there,
Nothing worked, I could just sit and stare.
Looking at Pasteur for some inspiration,
Like a bolt it struck me ,"A SOLUTION!".

I ran like I  never had  before,
This was the only trick I had in store.
Quick as lighting, I let my magic work,
Determined, I wouldn't let those critters lurk.
The virus in the tube dies!
A trickle of happy tears leaves my eyes.

I save the world, it all paid off,
"The virus has my name now", I scoff.
The Earth was again the same & I gained my fame,
'Cuz I killed a virus which has my name !! :)
By Pankti Rana. (S.Y.BSc- 2015-16)
2nd prize winner for Creative Writing in Genaces.

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